10 Big Mistakes That Could Be Hurting Your Smartphone

Smartphones have drastically transformed the way we live. Not long ago, being unreachable was the norm once people left their homes. Nearly everyone carries a device that allows them to make calls, send messages, and stay connected to the world. However, since smartphones are still relatively new tech, it’s easy to overlook how to care for them properly, and many users unknowingly put their devices at risk.

Certain everyday habits may be slowly killing your smartphone. While some people upgrade their phones every few years, others prefer to hold onto theirs for as long as possible. If you’re in the latter group and want to extend the life of your device, being mindful of how you use it is key. Simple things like how you store and charge your phone can have lasting effects.

It’s also important to remember that not all phones are the same. Even if your device hasn’t experienced much trouble, bad habits could shorten its lifespan. By avoiding common mistakes, you can save money and frustration. Remember these tips to give your phone a longer, healthier life.

1. Allowing Your Phone to Overheat

We all know that when a computer gets too hot, the fans kick in to cool it down. While smartphones don’t have cooling fans, they can overheat similarly. You’ve likely felt your phone heat up during intensive tasks or when left in the sun too long. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can warp internal components, particularly the battery. In severe cases, heat can cause the battery to leak gases, increasing the risk of your phone catching fire.

To avoid overheating, keep your phone out of direct sunlight, and don’t leave it in a hot car. When your phone feels warm, it’s often fine if it’s working on a demanding task like data restoration, but a consistently hot phone signals a bigger issue.

2. Carrying It in Your Pocket the Wrong Way

Carrying your phone in your pocket is second nature, but it’s not without risks. Keeping your phone in your back pocket can lead to damage, especially if you accidentally sit on it. This can cause the screen to crack or the phone to bend, possibly contributing to back pain over time. Front pockets aren’t much safer if you wear tight pants — kneeling or bending can pressure the phone, leading to potential damage.

Store your phone in a purse, bag, or safe place whenever possible. It’s a costly and delicate device that deserves protection.

3. Never Turning It Off

In our always-connected world, many people never turn off their phones — not even overnight. However, just like you need rest, so does your phone. Regularly powering down your phone at least once a week can help reset its system, improve performance, and prolong battery life.

A phone left on too long without breaks can experience slower speeds and reduced battery efficiency. Shutting it down for a few minutes allows it to clear its cache and recalibrate.

4. DIY Cleaning

Dust and debris can easily get into your phone’s charging port or other small openings, and while it might seem easy to clean it out with a paperclip or toothpick, this can cause more harm than good. Sharp objects can damage sensitive internal components, and compressed air might do more harm than good.

Instead, visit a professional for a quick clean-up. Apple and Samsung stores offer free cleaning services to remove debris from your device safely.

5. Skipping Software Updates

It can be tempting to postpone software updates, especially when you don’t want to be without your phone for a few minutes. However, ignoring updates can leave your phone vulnerable to security threats and bugs.

Beyond cool new features, updates often come with critical security patches. Skipping them exposes your device to potential cyberattacks or malicious software, so take the time to install updates regularly — many phones allow you to schedule updates overnight to avoid disruptions.

6. Overcharging Your Battery

Contrary to past concerns, modern smartphones have built-in protections to prevent overcharging, so leaving your phone plugged in overnight isn’t the issue it once was. However, charging your phone to 100% all the time or letting it die completely before recharging can wear out the battery faster.

Some manufacturers, like Samsung, still recommend not charging the battery fully too often. To maximize battery life, aim to keep your phone’s charge between 20% and 80%. You can also check your phone’s settings to see if it needs a battery replacement.

7. Constantly Closing Apps

It’s a common misconception that closing background apps will help your phone run more smoothly. Most modern phones are designed to manage background apps efficiently, keeping them in a low-power state. Constantly closing and reopening apps can drain more battery power than leaving them open.

Unless an app is malfunctioning or using excessive resources, there’s no need to close apps compulsively.

8. Not Managing Your Apps

Most smartphones can hold many apps, games, and files, but too much clutter can slow down performance and increase security risks. The more apps you have installed, the higher the chances you could carry malware or put your data at risk.

Regularly review and remove apps you no longer use. IPhones and Android devices offer features to archive unused apps, freeing up space while keeping your data intact.

9. Connecting to Public Wi-Fi Without Protection

While connecting to public Wi-Fi in cafes or airports is convenient, doing so can expose your personal information to hackers. Some hackers create fake Wi-Fi networks to trick users into connecting, allowing them to steal sensitive data.

If you must connect to public Wi-Fi, use a VPN for added security, and avoid accessing banking or personal accounts in these settings.

10. Using the Wrong Phone Case

Phone cases are meant to protect your device, but not all cases offer the same level of protection. Cheap plastic cases and silicone or rubber cases may not absorb shock from drops. Additionally, some cases trap heat, which can cause your phone to overheat.

For the best protection, invest in a quality case with heat-dissipating features and shock absorption to keep your phone safe from drops and overheating.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can help extend the life of your smartphone, saving you money and preventing unnecessary stress. Treat your phone well, and it’ll continue to serve you effectively for years.

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